Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My ten best and ten worst-Schnitt screws the pooch yet again

Olbermann does a great job publishing his nightly three best in the world and his three "Worst Person in the World" segment. I thought I'd do a quick and dirty version of my top ten's since I had not posted in a while. Here ya go in no particular order:

Ten Worst:

  1. Pres. George Bush for the lies about the Iraq War, the way he has lessened the American "brand" and the way he has made politics an even more dirty game.
  2. V.P. Dick Cheney (see above)
  3. Mark Levine (obscure talk show host) has done to promote the American equivalent of fascism than anyone else I know
  4. Rush Limbaugh. (Have a hard time putting him here because he is funny. I still don't know how anybody takes him seriously after his doctor-shopping drug issues)
  5. Michelle Malkin (how can someone so hot-looking be so cold as a human being?)
  6. Ann Coulter (possibly a viable number one for my top ten worst. Evil incarnate. Maybe the worst concentration of pure evil I have ever seen. Of course I never met Hitler, Stalin or Mussolini...but to me, she is right up there.)
  7. Nancy Grace (I believe her voice and beliefs are primary causes of cancer)
  8. Anyone that does a commercial for Big Oil. (Seen the latest ad campaign where they claim to be investing heavily in "alternative energies"? The only thing they mention that is true is that the vast majority of our oil comes from.... North America.. By the way, in second place is South America, with the Middle east coming in third.)
  9. Anybody that does an ad for Big Pharma (This means you too Montel. We've become a drug culture, have you seen the ad for Zantac with a giant hand holding a Zantac pill that no only redecorates a man's entire apartment with better upgraded furniture, but the pill even "paints" him new friends and a hot girlfriend. OMFG!)
  10. Insurance companies that lie to you. There's an ad that promises that "once your policy is approved, it can never be cancelled!" The ad preys upon fears that the "evil company" will cancel your policy. No my dears, it means just the opposite...it means YOU can never cancel, you are signed up for life.
I will do the top ten best later. But regular readers of this blog (ARE there ANY?) will recognize the special place in my heart I have for local (Tampa) buffoon Todd Schnitt and wonder why he is not on my list. He's just not that important,thats why. However, I love listening to his show because it is clear to me he does NO research at all (other than World News Daily, Google etc). yesterday and will often dogmatically declare the "truth" on a subject when he is completely wrong. I mean when you get a pompous fool with a podium that doesn't check his facts...its funny.

Yesterday was great...he went on and on about how Al Gore's energy bills went up 10% even after he did all of his alternative energy adjustments on his house. Schnitt went on to say that Gore's house uses the same amount of electricity that "20 houses use". The bit went on forever, making it even funnier when the Gore's actually produced their bill...and guess what? Overall energy use WENT DOWN 40 %! (You see Gore used gas for a lot of his energy use prior to the conversion. THAT bill went down 90%)

The truth is covered well here: http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080619/COLUMNIST0101/806190354/1008/OPINION01

"Those wacky pranksters at the innocuous-sounding Tennessee Center for Policy Research (the Tennessee Center for Attempted Gotcha is more like it) put out a press release this week similar to one they scored big with last year. Based on Gore's electric bill, his Belle Meade household used 10 percent MORE electricity than the previous year, the latest release said. Despite a major green retrofit of the Gores' 80-year-old mansion.

Gore's folks were quick to jump on the latest missive, saying his utility bills are actually DOWN by 40 percent. The group, Gore's spokeswoman said, didn't include the former vice president's gas bill in this round of press release claptrap, as it did last year.

That bill has gone down 90 percent, she said. And when the Gores do power up, they pay for renewable resources, like wind and solar power or methane gas.

The facts will not now, nor have they ever, stand in the way of the Gore-bashers of the world making great hay of this. Though really, hasn't Al — by far — had the last laugh at this point?"

Typically great work Schnitt. I expect nothing less of you...ever.

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