Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Who Are 1-800 Ask Gary 1-800 Ask Koby and 1-800 Ask-Jery?

One of the big issues in my local market, Tampa, Florida apparently is automobile accidents.

There are several "ambulance-chaser" type attorneys in the area and other more reputable ones that also do accident law. Morgan and Morgan is a big firm, formerly known as Morgan Collins & Gilbert and does Motorcycle accidents. Morgan left the firm supposedly because of ego issues and decided that a firm just known as John Morgan just wasn't impressive enough. The word I have heard is that he came up with Morgan and Morgan to indicate he had other folks behind him, but in reality its just John and no other senior partners. Reminds me of Ashton Tate the firm that had dbaseII.

Apparently there was no Ashton at all, just Tate and no first version, aka "dbase 1". Both were fabricated names to be more impresive and to make the firm's software seem more stable, see here for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashton-Tate

Anyway Morgan and Morgan seems to be playing the same marketing gambit.

What's far worse in my personal opinion though are the Koby and Gary ads. They purport to offer free legal help after accidents, but really are chiropractors in the main. They do have a lot of trial attorneys that they have business relations with, thus the "lawyer referral" part of their ads.

Gary Kompothecras, who's a Sarasota chiropractor, and runs Physicians Group LLC, 1st Health Inc. and Healthcare Management Enterprises, is the Gary of ASK Gary, and Holiday, Florida chiropractor Leonard "Lenny" Linardos and Linardos' company, West Coast Spine & Injury. Linardos is the 1-877-ASK-KOBY accident referral service, created in October 2004. The 1-800-ASK-JERY hot line, is really St. Petersburg chiropractic clinic Spinal Correction Centers Inc. A fourth hot line, 1-800-ASK-DAVE, is run by Lakeland-based law firm Burnetti P.A.

Is it big business? You bet. According to Red Orbit, there's even a lawsuit over it. http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/360937/1800askgary_asks_court_to_halt_similar_ads/ The commercials urge people to call Gary or "Mr. Gary" to find a lawyer, doctor or even a tow truck. The text below is from Red Orbit.

"In court documents, 1st Health spells out how much advertising it does: more than $4 million per year. The company makes its money largely by treating auto accident victims, many of whom are referred to 1st Health through the 1-800-ASK-GARY commercials.

The company's Web site lists 24 accident clinics, including nine in Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco counties. However, during a brief discussion last month, Kompothecras told the Tribune he has more than 42 facilities across Florida, from Naples to Jacksonville."

What's my complaint here? I think chiropractors have a right to run ads for their medical services, even if in Florida chiropractors are NOT considered medical doctors. See here: http://your-doctor.com/patient_info/alternative_remedies/various_therapy/chiropractic.html and here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiropractic and even here: http://www.sptimes.com/2005/08/21/Columns/They_ve_got_our_back.shtml

But these ads mention legal services as one of the first and most prominent things in the ads, claiming expertise in finding you the right lawyer...and they are chiropractors, NOT a law firm! Isn't that deceptive? IMHO it is. A muscle/joint/bone doctor is not a trial attorney, which is why over the last couple of years they now always have their spokesperson start out with "I am not a lawyer, but..."

Second, most all ads feature either minorities or (and I am being charitable here) actors portrayed as low income, "scared and confused" whites. You can't help but see this approach as predatory and some would say it borders upon targetting uneducated minorities.

The nice thing is that it appears the Florida Bar is finally paying attention, http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20070623/NEWS/706230536/-1/RSS01
and maybe something will be done to stop this type of stuff.

The other problem, the biggest offender is "Gary Kompothecras, a Sarasota chiropractor who is a close friend [and campiagn cntributor] of Gov. Charlie Crist.


  1. Interesting blog, like the first few posts

  2. In order to claim thatyou are a lawyer referral service, you in fact have to be registered with the Florida Bar, submit all ads to the Bar for approval before they run, and the referral service and all the attorneys who are part of it are bound by the Bar's lawyer advertising rules. I know Gary and he spends a lot of time, money and effort to make sure his ads are legal - and also, his medical clinics are staffed by MD's, surgeons and chiros, so please make sure your facts are straight before just repeating what you read in the newspaper. The lawsuits are to stop the cheap, low-rent imitations. A LAWYER WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH

  3. I have to say that while Gary's ads may be legal, in my opinion they are not ethical and border upon predation upon minorities and the uneducated.

    The throwaway caveat "I'm not a lawyer, BUT..." is the way they skirt the intent of the law, while following the letter. THIS is what needs to change.

    As far as getting the facts straight...there isn't one fact here you claim is wrong...even if Gary does hire or subcontract other legal staff..the truth is he is a chiropractor.

  4. I'm a physician in Tampa, FL. An actual M.D. that went to medical school. Chiropractors are not physicians. They are simply glorified massage therapists who ride the coattails of real physicians. They scam people who are involved in accidents. Make up diagnosis and enroll patients in these drawn out care plans. Have you ever seen a chiropractors office? They are always trying to sell things. Vitamins, pillows, & gimmicks. By the way, lawyers and chiropractors work hand in hand. Most injury lawyers do not work with real physicians as most will not make up diagnosis to just treat. Do your own research.

  5. A guy mouthing off like a kid calling names as if backed into the corner and scared a.k.a. Mr. MD above. Maybe you need to seek a lawyer about a little thing call Deformation of Character. Hence the anonymous comment. If you are so solid on your opinion perhaps you should state your name and have a bit of a debate about it.

  6. Anonymous physician in Tampa, Fl. An actul MD? Grow up you ignorant A**. Take your drugs, destroy your kidneys and liver and have a nice life.

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