Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Why this new blog?

Frankly I have had it. I am sick to death of "the way the world is today", to paraphrase Blues singer Tommy Castro.

I can't stomach the ignorance, the lack of intellectual curiosity of George Bush, the pablum that passes for news reporting, the superficial journalism and the glorification of mediocrity (are you listening Todd Schnitt, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity?.)

I used to laugh at Limbaugh, to fully "get" the entertainment value of the ridiculousness that pours from his mouth. Surely anyone with a semblance of an education got the joke, right? I mean have you listened to Mark Levin for even five minutes? Are you serious?

Apparently not.

I start writing this blog today not with a liberal or progressive bent, but with some idea of talking about the insane things that exist today, that we accept ...without analysis at all. I guess I'll just vent a bit. Hope this is worthwhile and not some self-indulgence.

We'll see...

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